Broccoli Microgreens

Mariusz Pierog

By: Mariusz Pierog
Published: July 17th, 2022 | Updated: January 31st, 2023

Broccoli Microgreens

What are you waiting for? Plant broccoli microgreens now! Aside from adding flavor to your daily meals, broccoli microgreens can also improve your overall health. This is a guide on how to grow microgreens of broccoli indoors. Check out these tips for growing and maintaining broccoli microgreens at home, and follow me on social media for more information.

What you need to know about growing Broccoli Microgreens

LIGHT & TEMPERATURE: Light 6-10 hours a day. Temperature: 73-76 F

SOAK SEEDS: There is no need to do that.


GERMINATE: 1-3 Days.



Broccoli microgreens ready to eat

To grow Microgreens of Broccoli, you need the following equipment

SPACE: Space is one of the most crucial factors in raising broccoli microgreens indoors. Ideally, broccoli microgreens should be raised under a grow light in a well-ventilated, temperature-controlled area. Alternatively, they can be placed on a window sill in a kitchen.

CONTAINERS: Which container is most suitable for growing broccoli microgreens? It doesn't matter what container you put them in because broccoli microgreens will thrive in it. When growing broccoli microgreens, I use food-safe, biodegradable plastic boxes or pots. Most of the time, for my personal needs, I use 5x5 pots or 10x10 garden growing trays. I plant my broccoli microgreens every three days to have them fresh every day.

SOIL: In order for broccoli microgreens to flourish, the soil needs to be well-drained and rich in nutrients. An acidic soil with a pH range between 6.5 and 7 is ideal. After testing so many different kinds of soil, Ocean Forest Potting Soil is the one I prefer, as it contains all the nutrients your plants need in one bag. As an alternative, you can grow broccoli microgreens in a mix of peat, vermiculite, and perlite.

LIGHT: The Barrina LED lights are very bright and are an on-budget product I really like. I have four of them per shelf, and I have complete coverage of my shelves. Overall, I am very satisfied with this purchase.

SEEDS: Two teaspoons of broccoli microgreen seeds should be spread on top of moistened soil in 5x5 plastic pots. The soil should be dampened prior to spreading the broccoli microgreen seeds.

Broccoli microgreens ready to eat

I wrote another article about mistakes to avoid when growing microgreens at home. Check it out by clicking here.

Broccoli Microgreens: How long do they take to grow?

Beginners should start with broccoli microgreens if they have no experience growing them. When can I expect to see broccoli microgreens growing? When broccoli microgreens are planted, they grow quickly and are typically harvested between 8 and 12 days later.

The flavor of broccoli microgreens. What can we expect?

As with mature broccoli stems, broccoli microgreens have a bit of a bitter taste, are crunchy, and are rich in flavor.

How to Keep Broccoli Microgreens Fresh?

Once broccoli microgreens are harvested, it is recommended that they be stored in dry vacuum sealed bags and refrigerated. When kept at 37-40°F, broccoli microgreens can be stored for up to 10-18 days in a temperature-controlled environment. It is my standard practice not to store microgreens for longer than six days. I prefer them to be fresh every day, so I never keep them for longer than six days.


Hi! I'm Mariusz. Let's just say that I'm an expert at multitasking- except when it comes to getting anything done on time! I'm the author of most articles, photographs and recipes here at

I spend most of my time working on architectural projects, but gardening, growing microgreens, and photography have always been my passions. Keep in mind that life is a continual learning process. Make sure to share your knowledge effectively, and don't be afraid to be creative.

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